Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Last Monday morning we drove the long road down to Omaha to get all those eggs out. 18 total is what were told tue doc took out. Tuesday she called and told us 13 were punctured with sperm and 11 survived that part. Thursday they called again and said 8 had survived and that my implanting would take place Saturday morning back down in Omaha.  Once again we were on the road to drive down before the sun came up (at this point it's a normal thing). The doc called on the way to say 2 were in perfect blastocyst format and whether or not we wanted both. We both said HECK YES! The rest would be put back since they weren't ready to be frozen yet. Hopefully we get a call soon to tell us if they grew more.  And since then...bedrest! Today I went back to work and I'll get a blood test at the grand itasca hospital on family vacation to see if my numbers and growing correctly. I assume at that point we will make the ultra sound appointment and maybe more blood tests but otherwise we might be alright! Fingers crossed!!!!!

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