Sunday, April 22, 2012

My NOT so wonderful flight home from our WONDERFUL trip to Las Vegas....

Got up to the airport in plenty of time to catch our returning flight home after a nice week (except the last two days when AF showed up) not thinking about work or not making babies. We get close to our gate and i notice a lady pushing a stroller with a 2 year old in it and also about 7 months pregnant. Yep, she's lucky enough for this to happen to her....she proceeds to be on our flight, right in the row across the isle (did i mention AF came 2 days ago?). She proceeds to scream/scold her child about sitting down and to stop moving so much....we weren't flying yet! Pre-coach your kid....bring something (other than the ipad that is suppose to be off) to entertain him....yelling at him makes it worse for both of you! Basically, she was the poster child for the mom you'd never want to be and or have as your own. Did i mention it was a 2.5 hour flight? Lovely. The best part was her shirt:

"I make babies....what's your superpower?"

What a heartless, horrible shirt.
P.S. AF is done now and I will have to call the doc tomorrow to get us in.

Monday, April 2, 2012


I've never been good at having patience with my personal life. I've worked with people with disabilities for years and some how manage to be so patient with them and prior to that I would baby sit all amounts of kids and was able to be patient with them too! Now my patience is being tried in this final 2 weeks. When do I make my appointment? Do I wait until AF comes in 2 weeks and chance having to wait a while before getting in, or should I call now? I will prob. just wait because one thing I am good at is procrastination. No patience, yet I procrastinate....does that make sense? I think not. Dang two weeks!